Meta Description: Has your dog’s anxiety become a real problem? Reach for one or more of these dogs calming aids to help your pet relax.

Has your dog’s anxiety become a real problem? We know you love your pooch, but helping them deal with a stressful situation may have you stumped. Not only is your couch being chewed to pieces, but it’s difficult to bond with your furbaby when they’re so fearful. Pet parents shouldn’t ignore their dog’s emotional problems.

Whatever the circumstances, you can reach for one of the many dog calming aids on the market. Some will promote relaxation in their body, others with provide a unique distraction from stressful situations. Try one, try them all. Hopefully, by working with your anxious furchild, you can eliminate general anxiety and keep your canine calm.

What is Anxiety in Dogs

Anxiety is a behavior disorder that is a concern in behavioral veterinary medicine. Behavior problems, including fear and anxiety in dogs, decrease the canine life quality and impact their general health.

Dogs who experience anxiety are triggered by situations that conflict with their protected environment. Often, these fears are irrational and pose no real threat. The main concerns include loud noises (fireworks and thunder) and general nervousness. Social anxiety and travel anxiety are also common. Anxious dogs may even develop fears of unusual items, like umbrellas, slippery surfaces, balloons, other dogs, or fly swatters.

A 2020 study by experts at the Finland Department of Veterinary Biosciences looked at 13 715 canines. They found that 72% of the animals displayed “highly problematic behavior.” 

Other findings included:

  • 32% of canines fear loud noises.
  • 27% of canines exhibit general fear, mainly in the presence of other dogs.
  • Male dogs show aggressive and hyperactive or impulsive traits more than female dogs.
  • Bitches are often fearful.
  • More male dogs show signs of separation anxiety.
  • Noise anxiety can increase as a canine ages.
  • Fear of surfaces and heights is common, comprising 23.5% of dogs in the study.

Lack of adequate socializing as a puppy, trauma, neglect and abuse can cause anxiety in dogs. It’s common in rescued pets, but it can also develop in older dogs with cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) or other health concerns that affect their behavior.

Whatever the case, it’s essential to address the problem with a veterinary behaviorist or with your vet so that phobias or anxiety disorders do not develop.

Dog Anxiety Symptoms

Understanding your furry friend and recognizing signs of illness is the first step to finding a treatment plan. Unfortunately, your dog cannot explain how they are feeling, so you need to read their body language.

When it comes to anxiety, look out for the following signs:

  • Aggressive behavior
  • Urinating or defecating in the home
  • Diarrhea
  • Drooling
  • Attempts to escape
  • Vocal cues: barking, whining, crying, howling
  • Restlessness and pacing
  • Excessive grooming (self-mutilation or acral lick dermatitis)
  • Destructive behavior: chewing things, digging, scratching in the home
  • Repetitive or compulsive behaviors, such as shadow chasing, pica, spinning, tail chasing, fly biting, etc.

Benefits of Using Calming Aids

No more stress! Don’t we all want that? There are many benefits to using calming products for your furry family members.

  • Lower stress levels. Stress can be damaging to your dog’s immune system and gut, so helping to reduce their worry levels is genuinely life-saving.
  • No side effects. Edible calming aids made from natural ingredients have fewer adverse reactions to anti-anxiety medication.
  • Improved human-animal bond. When dogs are calmer, then they can connect and bond with their pet parent.
  • Longer lifespan. Canine behavior problems can lead to the relinquishment or euthanasia of the pet. Dealing with the problem can increase the wellness and, therefore, the lifespan of your dog.

Best Calming Aids for Dogs

You can calm your nervous dog in various ways. For example, if your pup loves treats, then go for the edible types, or if they love quality time with you, then you can choose a calming aid that enriches playtime. You can use all or any of the calming solutions that effectively lower your pooch’s anxiety levels.

If you’re looking for the best calming aid for dogs, browse this list:

Calm Vest

A Calm Vest may reduce stress in your companion animal by providing gentle pressure to their torso and chest. Your dog can wear an anxiety wrap for long or short periods when they’re feeling stressed. When shopping for a Calm Vest, consider your dog’s weight and size to find the perfect fit. Most vests have adjustable straps.

If your pet is reluctant to wearing shirts or collars, then keep reading.


CBD oil from the hemp plant interacts with the Endocannabinoid system in your dog’s body to balance various functions that impact our wellness. By having an impact on the Endocannabinoid receptors, CBD may have a calming effect on your furry best friend.

According to many pet parents, CBD is the best calming dog supplement. Humans, dogs, cats, and even horses can take CBD. It’s a safe and well-tolerated natural product with the ability to support the immune system, help with occasional discomfort, maintain healthy joints and flexibility and help pets with skin issues. In addition, CBD may help your anxious pet to get restful sleep, even during a thunderstorm.

CBD calming chews can take up to ninety minutes to ease your stressed dog, so plan accordingly before taking your dog on car rides, visits to the vet, or before a storm hits. A CBD oil can work within thirty minutes.

Calming Dog Treats

We’re pretty confident your dog loves anything tasty. Calming dog treats come in many forms, from calming dental sticks to CBD-infused peanut butter. You can also purchase high-quality soft chews that may contain one or more of these calming ingredients:

  • L-Theanine is an amino acid found in green tea. L-Theanine can provide a calming effect in dogs and cats. When teamed up with L-Tryptophan or CBD, the results are a serene and happy hound.
  • Chamomile is used in traditional remedies for its calming properties. However, you can make your dog or cat chamomile tea or select a supplement that uses it as one of their active ingredients. Chamomile supplements can be used as a sedative, anti-inflammatory, or muscle relaxant.
  • Melatonin has been used in veterinary medicine and supplements to treat insomnia and behavior disorders, and non-allergic hair loss (alopecia) in dogs.
  • L-Tryptophan is added to supplements to reduce pets’ aggression caused by anxiety. L-Tryptophan contains natural amino acids and assists the production of serotonin, the hormone that stabilizes feelings for wellbeing.

Honest Paws has a range of calming treats and soft chews for managing your dog’s anxiety.

Use Background Music

Pumping some soothing music during bath time or when your pet is alone at home can help to ease tension. The Pet Acoustics product, Pet Tunes, offers a portable speaker ideal for away-from-home stays or car trips. In addition, research has shown that classical music can enrich the environments of pets who are overwhelmed and anxious.

Puzzles or Enrichment Toys

There are many ways to show your dog a little extra TLC, and playing with them is one of them. Furbabies who play and exercise are less stressed than those who do not.

Puzzle toys provide mental and physical exercise for dogs. A fun treasure hunt or a food puzzle will entertain your dog enough to forget its troubles. Snuffle mats strengthen foraging skills, keep dogs busy, help them eat slower, and are suitable for older and slower pets.

We know you cannot always be present for your furbaby, which is why we also want to tell you about interactive dog toys. Interactive dog toys do not require human interaction and are therefore perfect for pups with separation anxiety. Robotic games, vessel toys, ball launchers, automatic treat dispensers, and hide-and-seek toys can keep dogs calm and distracted for hours.

Dogs with separation anxiety often get up to mischief, and enrichment toys can keep bad behaviors at bay.

Give Them a Familiar Toy or Blanket

If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, offering them a comforting item could help them. Toys like a Snuggle Puppy have a warming pack and a “real-feel” heartbeat that can calm dogs. A Comfort Cuddler is another product that soothes nervous pets. It works by filling a pillow with an item that holds your scent.

Whether it’s a ruffled-up teddy or a toy they’ve had since they were a young pup, allow your doggo all the comforts they need to get your dog to calm down.

Working With Your Anxious Dog

Helping your dog overcome their anxiousness will take time. However, offering your dog emotional support and rewarding them when they manage to be calm are just two of the ways that you can recalibrate their fearful response.

Be Patient

Be patient with your pet and never punish them for nervous behavior. We know it can be frustrating when your dog continuously barks at your visitor or wets the car seat. Unfortunately, you cannot remedy anxiety overnight, and your reaction to your mutt will either help them or cause them further stress.

The goal should not be to inhibit their emotional response (this could cause them more stress), but it should alter their emotional reaction to it with loving care and counter-conditioning.

Another reason to remain serene when dealing with your furbaby is that dogs are incredibly perceptive to our emotions and can mirror our moods. Researchers at Linköping University found that “levels of long-term cortisol (the stress hormone) in the dog and its owner were synchronized.” They concluded that the owner’s personality has a strong effect on the emotional stability and status of their companion animal.

Work on Desensitizing 

Desensitizing your pet involves exposing them to their trigger at a low level, gradually, until they no longer respond emotionally to the situation. For example, playing low-volume sounds of thunder while playing with your pet can get them used to the noise they usually hate.

You can fit your hound in their Calm Vest when performing this exercise to get them used to wearing it.

Obedience Training

Training with a veterinary behaviorist or professional training will help you form a close bond with your dog. As a result, your pet will become more confident, secure in your presence and with other dogs. Obedience training should be done when your dog is a puppy or as soon as you’ve adopted them. The sooner you expose your pet to social situations and various stimuli, the better prepared they’ll be for life and everything they encounter.

Use Positive Reinforcement

When your dog is panicking, it’s best not to give them treats or chews right away. Instead, calm your dog with one of the other methods we’ve listed. Then, when your dog is more relaxed, reward them for their calm behavior. 

You can provide positive reinforcement in the form of playtime, affection, and praise. Again, this is something you can do consistently so that your pet is aware that their calm demeanor pleases you.

Prepare for High Anxiety Situations

Anticipating and understanding your dog’s anxiety can allow you to prepare for their emotional needs. Here are some other things you can try to prepare for high anxiety situations:

  • Avoid the situation if possible.
  • Use a pheromone calming collar or spray mists to mimic the chemicals released by nursing dogs. The Calm Paws calming collar may comfort your pet during stressful situations.
  • Give your dog a safe space where they can hide when they’re afraid. A covered dog crate or a peaceful room in the home can provide security and relief.
  • Keep your dog company. Dogs are pack animals and will find reassurance by your side.

Managing Your Dog’s Anxiety

You can get started on your doggy anxiety-relief kit with our Honest Paws CBD Calm soft chews with active ingredients L-Theanine and L-Tryptophan, and our Calm Vest. Our CBD Peanut butter is also a firm favorite for four-legged friends.

Using dog calming treats, garments, or toys can effectively treat anxious behavior in your pet. Most dogs respond to a multimodal approach, and by having a few tips and tricks up your sleeve, you can help your dog physically and mentally relax. 


Do calming treats for dogs really work? Using dog calming treats can be effective in treating fear in your pet. However, most dogs respond to various approaches, so trying other methods along with calming treats may be the most successful.

What is the best anxiety aid for dogs? The best calming assistance is the one that works for your pet. Most dogs respond to a multimodal approach.

What makes dogs anxious? Dogs who experience anxiety are triggered by situations that conflict with their protected environment. The main fears include loud noises (fireworks and thunder) and general nervousness.

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