Everyone’s heard of the miracle that is CBD oil. Although most people aren’t experts in CBD, it is just about common knowledge that this oil has massive health benefits for humans and their furry canine and feline friends. But what about our hooved friends? Read on to learn more about CBD oil for horses, and what its benefits are for our equine friends!

What is CBD Oil?

Marijuana, weed, cannabis, and hemp? What about THC and CBD? For someone who isn’t a fan of this plant of many names, the terminology can be confusing. Let’s get you educated. We start our journey with the Cannabis Sativa plant family, from which both hemp and cannabis (aka marijuana) are derived from. A big difference between these plants is the amount of TCH (Tetrahydrocannabinol) each plant contains. THC is the psychoactive compound that makes you high. The CBD (Cannabidiol) derived from the plant contains less than 0.3% THC, which means you get all the health benefits without the “high” factor.

The List of CBD Oil Uses is Long  

The CBD oil market is booming. After decades of research and clinical trials, there is no denying how useful hemp extracts are. Because it has next to no THC, growing hemp and manufacturing hemp products is legal, unlike its brother marijuana. From joint health, stress, and anxiety, to mitigate the symptoms of cancer, or pain relief for horses, CBD oil can help. Pet parents are going crazy about CBD oil for dogs, but does the list of benefits extend to horses? Let’s find out more about CBD oil for horses!

Is This CBD Treatment Safe for Animals? 

Absolutely. It is very, very safe for horses. Humans, like most vertebrates (including horses), have an Endocannabinoid system of which the receptors respond to cannabinoids like CBD. Our bodies are built to process cannabinoids in a beneficial way. Giving hemp derived CBD to your horse as a supplement for overall well-being, or as part of a treatment plan is completely safe. It’s more than safe, it’s a very, very good idea!

Watch This Space: The Amazing Honest Paws (or Hoofs) Products! 

There are a few things to look for in a safe, quality CBD oil for pets. Here are the most important ones:
  • Price: If the price is too nice, it’s not worth buying.
  • All -Natural: We live in an age where people manufacture fake eggs and peas. Selling off another synthetic chemical substance as CBD oil is not unheard of. Look for any sneaky ingredients in the hemp oil you’re considering adding to your basket!
  • Tried and Tested: Look for that certification on the label!
  • Look for Full Spectrum CBD Oil: CBD isolate is cheaper than its full spectrum counterpart. You might be paying less for an isolate, but the benefits aren’t as great.

Honest Paws Purity Organic Full Spectrum Hemp Oil for Horses

If you’re thinking about getting CBD oil for your horse: Honest Paws checks all of the above boxes. They now have an organic full-spectrum hemp oil made specifically for horses. Each bottle contains 1500mg of CBD Oil, which brings with it a long list of health benefits for your horse. Amongst other things, this CBD oil horse formula helps to promote overall health and wellbeing. It (among other things)helps to ease anxiety and lower stress levels, as well as manage and maintain healthy bones and joints. We cannot sing the praises for this product enough. It’s been tried and tested, and has not been found wanting!

6 Benefits of Honest Paws CBD Oil for Horses 

  • Alleviates pain and inflammation.
  • It helps treat Laminitis in horses. Laminitis is a painful disease that affects the tissue in a horse’s hoof.
  • Treats gastric ulcers and improves general digestion.
  • Boosts the immune system, which helps with allergies and a healthy, shiny hair coat.
  • It improves joint health. This is so, so important for horses!
  • It eases anxiety and lowers stress levels.

Horse Pain Medication? CBD Oil is the Best Supplement for Arthritis in Horses

A big part of arthritis is an inflammation in the joints. Pain medication for horses, or horse cream for pain, are not long term solutions for pain management. CBD oil, however, is a long term treatment that improves joint health without any of the side effects of pharmaceuticals.

What About Seizures in Horses? Hemp Oil for Horses with Tetanus, Rabies, or Infections

There are are many health conditions that can lead to seizures in horses. Viral or fungal infections, rabies, tetanus and Equine Protozoal Myelitis (EPM) can all cause seizures. By healing the medical condition of the horse, CBD oil can help stop the seizures from occurring.

It Works for Dogs With Anxiety. Why Not Your Hooved Friend?  

People who give CBD oil to their dogs to treat anxiety see stark improvements in their doggos. Now that we know that CBD works the same way in horses as it does in humans and dogs: it’s clear that you can give it to your horse to treat anxiety.

No Need for Horse Calming Drugs: How to Manage Anxiety in Horses!

CBD oil for horses does more than provide pain relief, it is one of the best supplements for horses that calms them down. If your horse has a nervous disposition, or is afraid of thunder or traveling: CBD is your friend! This oil improves the quality of many an animal’s life in the most natural way. A relaxed animal is a healthier animal, so managing your horse’s stress levels is very important. CBD oil for horses with anxiety is a godsend!

How to Use This Supplement: CBD Oil Dosage for Horses 

If you buy a quality CBD Oil, like that of Honest Paws, the company usually provides you with a dosing chart. Now, generally, the CBD dose for horses is calculated according to their weight. Another factor is whether you are using the CBD to treat/cure a medical condition, or as a maintenance supplement in their diet.

CBD Yummies! The Best Treats for Horses!

There are so many wonderful CBD products for horses on the market. Perhaps you’ve heard of hemp pellets for horses. But what about treats? If you are using full spectrum CBD oil as a supplement for your horse, why not sneak it into a delicious treat for them! Simply add the oil to a sugar cube or into an apple and your horse will gobble it up with glee!

There Are No Serious Negative Side Effects!        

Unlike marijuana which contains high levels of the psychoactive compound THC, there is no risk of serious negative side effects with CBD oil (as of 2019). It promotes homeostasis, so it doesn’t throw your (or your horse’s) system off balance.


The side-effects of CBD oil for horses are all positive. In the fewest of cases, the oil may not have any effect on some individuals, but the side effects are never bad. There is quite a lot of prejudice surrounding all things CBD. But once pet parents have done their research, they generally feel keen to give it a try. There is nothing to lose. Only to gain. We highly recommend CBD for horses!

Common Questions on CBD Oil for Horses

Is CBD oil for horses safe?

How much CBD oil should I give my horse?

What’s a good pain relief for horses?

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Katelyn Son