Deramaxx for Dogs A furchild that is in pain is heartbreaking, and it is every pet owner’s job to help manage that pain! Deramaxx is prescribed by veterinarians for dogs that have pain and inflammation as a result of osteoarthritis. Vets also prescribe dog Deramaxx medication after dental surgery or orthopedic surgery to help with post-operative pain and inflammation. Read on to learn more about safety and benefits of this medication!

What is Deramaxx?

Deramaxx (also known as Deracoxib) is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It treats pain and inflammation in dogs. It’s typically used for dogs with osteoarthritis or after surgery to help with swelling and pain. Deramaxx comes in the form of chewable tablets for easy administration. Deramaxx requires a veterinarian prescription and is not safe for cats, people, or other household pets.

A Close Look at Deracoxib

Deramaxx is non-sedating NSAID medication used for pain and inflammation in dogs. The active ingredient in Dermaxx is Deracoxib. Deracoxib relieves pain and is an anti-inflammatory drug. Osteoarthritis is a common condition in senior dogs. The cartilage tissue in their joints and spinal cord deteriorates as they get older. Cartilage works as a cushion to allow the bones to move without scraping against each other. As the cartilage wears down, dogs have trouble getting up or running without pain due to exposed nerves and swelling of the tissue in the joints. Deracoxib reduces this pain and swelling. The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties of Deracoxib also make it helpful after surgery, specifically orthopedic or dental surgery. There are many NSAIDs vets prescribe for dogs, such as Onsior (Robenacoxib) and Carprofen (Rimadyl). Even though these medicines are in the same category, each NSAID works a little differently to treat and manages different pains. When comparing Deramaxx vs Rimadyl, they seem quite similar and are both widely used, but Rimadyl is more commonly prescribed for hip dysplasia.  You can talk to your vet and see which type of NSAID is best for your dog. Deramaxx for Dogs uses

Pain Relief for Dogs Natural Alternatives

If your dog has chronic pain, there are some holistic and over-the-counter alternatives you can try before using Deramaxx. CBD oil, for example, is often used to help dogs with discomfort while also supporting joint flexibility and mobility. Learn more about CBD oil and how it can help manage discomfort in dogs and also promote their body’s natural inflammatory response. As your dog begins to age you can also start giving them joint supplements to help increase the lubrication in their joints and help prevent arthritis. Glucosamine and Tumeric can help slow down the breakdown of cartilage and help your dog stay mobile for longer!

Can I Get it Without a Vet Prescription?

Most NSAIDs are only available from veterinarians and a prescription. You might want to read up on choosing the right anti-inflammatory drugs for your pet. Once the vet writes the prescription, if they do not have Dermaxx in stock, you can try other local pharmacies or online pet pharmacies. Deramaxx prices may vary depending on strength and dosage. Veterinarians will usually prescribe Deramaxx after a surgical procedure or for dogs that need daily pain medication to treat a chronic issue and manage pain. There can be side effects from using NSAIDs like Deracoxib for longer periods. Luckily there are other over-the-counter medications that can be used instead when treating long-term pain and inflammation.

Benefits of Deramaxx for Dogs!

A daily dose of Deramaxx is all it takes to help relieve your doggos pain. It relieves the pain and swelling, allowing them to move freely with minimal soreness and stiffness. One of the main benefits of Deramaxx is that is it not a narcotic or steroid. Your dog should be able to function normally while taking the drug. Deramaxx is currently being studied to identify its other health benefits, such as treating bladder cancer in Scottish Terriers.

Is it Safe for Fido to Take?

Deramaxx is available only with a prescription and must be dispensed by the vet or a pet pharmacy. The dosage will depend on the dog’s age and size. Avoid giving Deracoxib to dogs that have allergies or are sensitive to other NSAIDs. Deramaxx interacts with other NSAIDs, such as Aspirin, and can cause side effects when given as a combination. Before starting any NSAIDs, including Deracoxib, dogs should have a physical examination and medical history evaluation by a veterinarian. Dogs with certain heart and kidney conditions may not be able to use Deramaxx as it can affect those organs and possibly worsen conditions. Deramaxx for Dogs dosage

Deramaxx Dosage

Deramaxx is available in a beef-flavored chewable tablet. The dosage ranges from 12mg to 100mg, depending on the strength needed. The strength is determined by the age, weight, and level of pain a dog is in. It can have interaction with some over-the-counter pet medications, so be sure to talk to your veterinarian or pet pharmacist before administering Deramaxx. Only use Deramaxx as prescribed by a veterinarian. Unless you are a vet yourself, don’t simply give the Deramaxx you have to other dogs in your house!

Potential Side Effects to Look Out for! 

Deramaxx may have adverse reactions in some dogs. The side effects include:
  • Abdominal pain
  • Blood in stool or vomit
  • Weight gain
  • Water retention
  • Fatigue
  • A rash
  • Yellowing of the eyes
  • Bruising or blood that is out of the ordinary
There are side effects that occur in the digestive tract, kidneys, and liver. Dogs that have conditions affecting these organs may not be able to use Deramaxx or other NSAIDs for pain. Talk to your vet about any supplements, over-the-counter medications, and other prescriptions that your dog gets before giving your dog Deramaxx. It’s best to avoid any interactions with other drugs that can cause additional side effects or reactions.

Signs and Symptoms a Deramaxx Overdose or Allergic Reaction

Signs of an allergic reaction include:
  • Swelling of the face
  • Hives
  • Difficulty breathing
Deramaxx overdoses may cause:
  • Vomiting,
  • Pain,
  • Difficulty breathing
  • A decrease in urine
  • Fatigue or lethargy
  • Coma
If your dog starts showing symptoms of an allergic reaction or overdose, take them immediately to the veterinarian or emergency animal hospital immediately! Some allergic reactions can be fatal. The reaction may get worse as you give them more doses. When giving your dog a new medication, always monitor them and check for any signs of allergy before administering the next dose! Deramaxx for Dogs side effects

Where Can I Buy It?

Keep in mind that unlike over-the-counter medicines, prescribed dog drugs have a non-transferable license. Each of your dogs needs its own prescription. You can buy Deramaxx at a local pet pharmacy with a veterinary prescription. Dermaxx contains Deracoxib, which is an NSAID only for dogs. There are many NSAIDs for humans. However, very few can be safely used to treat pain in dogs without adverse reactions. Always talk to your veterinarian before giving your dog any over-the-counter pet medicines, even Asprin. Dogs have to take significantly smaller doses than people.

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Katelyn Son