Noticing a click sound coming from your dog’s leg can be very concerning, but at the same time, it can also be a minor mishap. Many reasons as to why you are hearing the clicking sound coming from your dog’s leg. Usually, the sound appears when you stretch their back legs. When you trace the noise, it is likely to stem from either the thigh bone, shin bone or the knee. Reasons why a dog’s joint will result in a clicking sound are plenty. It is important that you can indicate the severity of the sounds. The frequency and loudness of the clicking noise, and other symptoms along with clicking and limping points to something more serious, such as an inflammation. For the best diagnosis, you must take your dog to the vet, where they will test the dogs for multiple problems, thanks to x rays. An x ray will give a better picture of everything and anything in your dog’s bones.  

Possible Reasons Your Dog’s Leg is Clicking

One of the more common reason of the clicking noise in a dog’s leg is a meniscal tear. Joints inside the skeletal framework provide range of motion to the limbs.  The conjunction between these joints contain ligaments. A ligament tissue covers each end of the bone in the joint and the fluid in between holds the ligaments together to avoid rubbing of the bones. In the case of a meniscal tear, the the fluid is unable to hold the two ligaments together, and the overtime collisions of the ligaments results in damage. You can refer to this as osteoarthritis. This may also result to a click sound in the dog’s leg. It is most common in older dogs.  

Patellar Luxation 

In simple words, this popping occurs when the disc slips out of place from its original position which causes dislocation of the bone. This slipping of the disc, will also lead to the clicking in a dog’s leg. It can also cause lameness and injury.  Treatments of patellar luxation can vary. For overweight dogs with a mild case of knee problems, the treatment involves weight loss and food management. Many vets suggest dog owners to use a dog knee brace to help stabilize the knee. 

Meniscus Tear 

To understand a meniscus tear, you first have to make sure that you know about the dog’s knee joint. Oftentimes, you dog will injure its cranial cruciate ligament, which also likely leads to a meniscal tear injury. This type of injury can stem from a significant damage or micro-tears building up overtime. The medial meniscus provides cushion in between the bones that make up the knee joint in a dog. Keep in mind that there are many different type of meniscal tears and injuries. However, the more common type includes the bucket handle tear, which in other words, you can also call an ACL tear. Treatment of the meniscus tear varies depending on the type and severity of the condition. Moreover, the treatment also depends on the condition and different breed of dogs. In some cases, dog owners have to make their dog go through surgery. Alternatively, pet owners also have options where they can heal their dog at home without any invasive treatment. Keeping that in mind, many other issues can lead to clicking in the dog’s legs. But if the dog also experiences a limp, along with the click noise, then this could point to an underlying cause. 

Clicking With a Limp

If your dog’s body is making clicking noises along with a limp, and maybe even sudden lameness, the this should point to major concerns. In this scenario, vet attention is pivotal because limping along with the clicking sound means a torn meniscus for many dogs. In most cases, your vet will perform a  surgical procedure, in which the vet will trim or cut of the torn part of the meniscus. Fortunately, there is a minimally invasive procedure for this in the name of arthroscopy.  A limp is an obvious indication of pain, or, it is a reactionary response to a stringent pain in the leg or the hip. This, however, does not mean that your pup is not in pain if it doesn’t limp. Dogs have their own ways of telling whether they are experiencing pain.  Moreover, dogs are also great at hiding pain from their owners, which causes a delay in treatment. As a dog owner, you should have the insights on the subtle indications of pain that a dog will leave, and take them to the vet before the pain gets worse and turns into limp. 

Hip Dysplasia

The hip joint includes a ball and socket joint, which allows the canine’s hip joints to perform a full range of motion.  Injuries in the dog’s hip due to damage or other joint issues can also cause clicking noises in a dog when it is walking. However, hip problems are less common causes of clicking noises.  Nevertheless, pups with hip dysplasia are likely to face other issues such as abnormality when walking and discomfort. This condition restricts a dog from being active. A more severe case of hip dysplasia in some dogs can also lead to surgery. You must take your canine to the vet if it shows signs of hip dysplasia. An x-ray of the hip socket will reveal whether there is a need for surgery. 

Clicking Without a Limp 

Sometimes, the clicking sound is a result of an carbon dioxide release from inside of the joint. Other times, it can also be a complication inside the joints or ligaments.  Whatever the problem it may be, you must identify when and how the clicking noises come about. Treatment will be quicker and easier if you figure out which movement triggers the popping sounds. Is i it coming from the foot tendon, or the knees? When you conduct this diagnosis, you can take it to the vet, where they will perform x rays and re calibrate the problems and come up with an excellent treatment. If the issue is not drastic, simple solutions can heal the dog just as good as anything. If your vet indicates nothing serious with your dog, they will prescribe you with joint supplements, along with basic physical therapy exercises. In the case of a swelling, all you need to do is make sure that you dog is resting and ice the inflamed muscle. 

Problems in the Hock Joint

Problems with the hock joint will not only cause the clicking, but also cause a limp in some cases. A hock joint is at the point of contact where the shin bone attaches to the paws with the help of the ligaments.  A tear in these ligaments will eventually lead to hock instability, that can result for many complications, including lameness, limping and the popping sound.  Hock joint instability is usually a result of extensive trauma  and overtime damage to those joints. 

Knee Injuries 

In this, your dog will likely hold their feet in mid air while walking and the furry companion will now suffer from lameness. This position of walking and lameness is indicative of ligament rupture.  Other names for damages to the knees include CCL The early clinical cues that you need to look out for before you can suspect this problem will start before the dog shows lameness. These signs will come forth in the act of reluctance. Your dog will not be able to jump over the objects that they once used to very easily. Or the dogs will show disinterest in going for a long walk.  If they could speak, they would tell you that they are hurting, but they cant. Which is why, it is your responsibility to figure out the subtle nuances in your canine. 

Treatment Options for Dogs with Joint Issues

The basic treatment option for joints and issues surrounding them start with clinical tests. In most cases, surgery is the ideal treatment for larger dogs. Of course, this is all with the vet’ treatment plan. There are many alternative methods that you rely on, and you must also consider that a canine with problems in one limb, will eventually go on to damage the other as well. This is primarily because as one leg becomes disabled, they put all their pressure on the other ones. This will put stress on the other legs and may lead to injury as well. If you are not able to completely restrict them from movement, you can always purchase a brace so they can bear their weight better. Treating wounds and tissues without surgeries is possible if the veterinarian confirms it. Good blood supply in the injured area of the joints means that healing is very much possible. However, for recovery, you must ensure proper rest. You may have to keep your canine in a cattle for eight weeks under supervision. Apart from the short walk to the bathroom they should not indulge in activities in intense exercise otherwise they will not be able to heal. The rest allows their bodies to build substantial scar tissues in the joints, bone or wherever the popping comes from.  Most dogs will face degenerative ligament tears in most as an ACL tear. This is unlike anything that humans usually experience. It does not occur due to an instant incident, except, it is the weakening, stretching, popping and tearing of the bones and muscles over a large period of time. 

Using CBD for Joint Pain

CBD or cannabidiol is an extract of the cannabis plant that people use as legitimate solution for pain. It presents as a form of holistic treatment that can help pets with pain problems.  Due to its amazing anti-inflammatory properties and results, many pet owners around the world are starting to question conventional medication. Anecdotal evidence suggests that it is the answer  to many canines that suffer from bone issues. Make sure that you consult with your veterinarian before you prescribe your dog with  CBD oil or CBD treats. A primary veterinarian can guide you over CBD dosage according to its current state and health 

Our Final Thoughts 

To Conclude, canines present a series of different problems that consist of different solutions. Regardless of what they may be experiencing, the best thing you can do for them is start their therapy sooner.  Figuring out what is causing their pain before it worsens gives you all the to question the vet on the different methods of treatment. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my dog’s leg clicking?

Many reasons as to why your dog’s leg is limping. One reason is tear in the cruciate ligament, which is causing the bones to rub against each other. 

When should I take my dog to the vet for limping?

Before you do that, make sure that you examine their paws, especially if they are puppies. Issues in puppy joints is rare, so it is likely that they have a thorn stuck in their toes. 

Why is my dog limping all of a sudden?

A limp is indicative of many things, both severe and minor. Most commonly, a limp is a result of pain in the dogs legs and the factor leading the pain can be many. 

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Katelyn Son