K9 Advantix II for Dogs Got an itchy dog? Seen a couple of ticks or fleas on your pup? Ever wonder what’s the best way to get rid of these pesky bugs? If you live in North America, there’s no doubt you must have faced the swarms of mosquitos in summer or have heard about owners having a great difficulty getting rid of fleas in their home. There’s no denying it! North America is a reservoir for various ectoparasitic insects such as ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, and lice. A dog infected with these parasites may experience tremendous itching which can ultimately lead to significant damage in the long-run Exposing your pup to these parasites can also result in a greater risk of contracting diseases such as flea-related dermatitis, Bartonella, Heartworm, and Lyme disease. So, treating your precious pup with the correct flea and tick treatment will ensure your pooch is safe from these vector-borne diseases.

K9 Advantix II: What Is It?

K9 Advantix II Perhaps, you were visiting your local pet store when you saw this peculiar flea “spot-on treatment”, known as K9 Advantix II. Well, in 2011 a company named Bayer released their product K9 Advantix II which claims to protect dogs from common ectoparasites such mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, chewing lice, and biting flies. The parasiticide is said to contain active ingredients known as imidacloprid, pyriproxyfen, and permethrin. These active compounds target the nervous system of the ectoparasites and ultimately leads to their death. Fun Fact: Interestingly enough, the ingredient Permethrin is an insecticide that falls under the Pyrethroid family. Pyrethroid is a chemical derived from the chrysanthemum plants.  These plant proteins act as neurotoxins that can cause muscle spasm, muscle breakdown, and paralysis in the insects that come into contact with it.

So, What Do Studies Say about K9 Advantix?

Sometimes we gotta wonder if these actions “claimed” by companies actually work. Thus, it’s always a good idea to trace back what studies have tested and concluded about the products they test. In 2015, a 5-month comparative study was done in order to test the efficacy of the main active compounds found in flea and tick treatments. The study looked at pyriproxyfen, permethrin; fipronil and (s)-methoprene, imidacloprid and permethrin. The study concluded that flea and tick products containing pyriproxyfen and permethrin were seen to be the most effective compounds at eliminating all life stages of fleas.

So, What Does This Mean for Pet Owners?

This means that studies have shown that K9 Advantix II can be highly effective at repelling and eliminating the ectoparasites all simply because they contain effective compounds.

K9 Advantix II Vs K9 Advantix

K9 Advantix II and K9 Advantix are both owned by Bayer. However, K9 Advantix was considered the first and primitive version of flea control. Essentially, both products contain similar active ingredients. However, Bayer has sought to improve the formula by adding pyriproxyfen. Pyriproxyfen is an Insect Growth Regulator. Thus, application of this chemical will result in the termination of all life stages of the flea and tick.

The Bottom Line

K9 Advantix II is seen to be a more superior product as it eliminates all life stages of the ectoparasites as well as repel a greater variety of ectoparasites such as mosquitos, chewing lice, and biting flies. On the other hand, K9 Advantix is still considered a widely effective product compared to its competitor Frontline Plus. However, in comparison to K9 Advantix II, K9 Advantix is only effective at eliminating adult fleas.

K9 Advantix II vs. Frontline

A competitor brand, Frontline Plus is another parasiticide containing fipronil and (s)- methoprene as their active ingredients. Frontline Plus is a line that claims to kill adult fleas, eggs, larvae, and ticks. The company claims that upon application, the chemicals fipronil and (s)-methoprene will be absorbed and stored in your dog’s sebaceous glands. Thus, providing long-lasting immunity and protection from reinfestation. On the other hand, K9 Advantix II is a topical treatment used to eradicate a greater number of ectoparasites such as fleas, ticks, lice, and mosquitoes. Furthermore, K9 Advantix II continues to repel biting flies, chewing lice as well as ticks and fleas.

The Bottom Line

Let’s see what studies said A study done in 2003, compared the efficacy of Frontline and K9 Advantix (the original) against adult brown dog ticks infestation. It was observed that K9 Advantix had an efficacy of 84 to 98.5% whilst Frontline Plus had an efficacy of 28.1 to 56.8%. If we extrapolate the results found, it can be speculated that K9 Advantix II would likely have a similar efficacy to the original, due to a very slight change inactive compounds. Unlike Frontline, K9 Advantix II will terminate and repel more parasites. Furthermore, the use of this topic solution will result in the death of all life stages of fleas as well as repel any new reinfection from occurring.

K9 Advantix II Helps with the Itchy Skin and Ticks But Are There Other Dog Products That Do This As Well?

Vets Preferred Premium Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil

Vets Preferred Premium Wild Alaskan is the best of the best when the fleas are gone but they’re still itching because it:
  • Helps relieve dry, itchy skin → no more excessive itching
  • Moisturizes and soothes your pet’s skin from the inside out → helps achieve a soft, glossy coat
  • Perfect for dogs struggling with seasonal allergies → less itching, runny nose, and overall irritants
  • Acts as a natural anti-inflammatory → desire & ability to be more active

Honest Paws CBD

CBD is known to have many health benefits! It can promote relaxation, help with occasional stiffness and discomfort, provide antioxidant support, promote cellular health, assist the immune system, and more! Of particular note: CBD supports skin health and can help soothe skin-related issues associated with seasonal allergies. Honest Paws CBD for dogs is a great place to start when it comes to looking for the best CBD for dogs. Honest Paws offers all-natural, organic products that are certified with The National Animal Supplement Council and lab-tested to ensure the highest quality and safety for pets. They offer CBD in various forms such as CBD oil, CBD chews and bites, and even CBD-infused coconut oil (great for moisturizing your dog’s skin)! They also have over 1,000 glowing reviews across their products, with pet parents singing their praise for helping their dogs feel healthier and happier.

Flea Medicine for Dogs: K9 Advantix II’s Side Effects and Possible Dangers

Side effects of K9 Advantix II are rare. However, as every dog is immunologically different a reaction to the drug may occur and can result in: K9 Advantix Side Effects
  • Mild to severe skin irritation
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Patchy, red sores
If you notice your pup in discomfort, then contact your vet for advice!

K9 Advantix II: Dosage

K9 Advantix II offers four separate products specified for dogs of different weight classes. Each package contains four tubes with the active parasiticide. One tube application corresponds to 30 days of protection from ticks, fleas, and mosquitos. In order to apply the parasiticide, the seal of the tube must first be broken by the cap of the applicator. Secondly, fur should be carefully spread- exposing the skin surface. Once, the skin is exposed owners should apply the contents of the tube onto the two or three of the recommended application spots. This includes between the shoulder blades, mid-back and at the base of the tail. The product is designed for dogs 7 to 8 weeks an above. The weight class and dosage rates are as follows:
  • For dogs between 4 to 10 lbs, the dosage is 0.4mL
  • For dogs 11 to 20 lbs, the dosage is 1.0 mL
  • For dogs 21 to 55 lbs, the dosage is 2.5 mL
  • For dogs 55 lbs and over, the dosage is 4.0 mL

K9 Advantix for Pregnant Dogs?

K9 Advantix II is deemed safe when it comes to treating a pregnant or lactating dog. However, as the product is an over-the-counter drug. It is never a good idea to treat any dog mommy with flea and tick drugs as it may affect her puppies. Should your pregnant or lactating dog require flea treatment? It is best to consult your veterinarian for treatment advice.

K9 Advantix for Puppies?

K9 Advantix should not be used on puppies less than 7 weeks of age. In order to safely use this product, puppies need to be over 4 lbs at 7 weeks of age.

K9 Advantix for Dogs Less Than 4 lbs?

For dogs less than 4 lbs, it is best recommended that owners stay clear of K9 Advantix II. If you own a toy breed dog, less than 4 lbs then consider using the safer alternatives such as Revolution or Advantage II.

K9 Advantix for Cats?

The physiology of a cat’s metabolism is very different compared to dogs. Thus, K9 Advantix II should never be applied to cats or kittens. When treating your dog with K9 Advantix II, owners should not allow any household cat to come into contact with the dog and product. Should your cat accidentally ingest or come into contact with K9 Advantix II then contact your veterinarian.

Where Can You Buy K9 Advantix II

A popular and effective flea and tick treatment, K9 Advantix is an over-the-counter drug that does not require a veterinary prescription. K9 Advantix is sold online or by the following companies:
  • Walmart
  • Petsmart
  • Petco
  • Pet Valu
  • Global Pet Foods

K9 Advantix: Reviews

We have used Advantix II for many years for all our dogs. We have never been disappointed with its protection”~ Customer at PetMeds, rated 3.7/5 “I liked this product because my little guy didn’t seem to have the weird skin sensation they can get as a side effect sometimes from topical flea repellants. Also it kept fleas away even longer than the 30-day recommended time period. Very impressed and I’ve tried several different brands.” ~ Customer at Amazon, rated 4/5.

Final Ruling of This Popular Flea and Tick Treatment for Dogs

Today, K9 Advantix II has become a highly popularized, easy to access over-the-counter flea and tick treatment that will ensure your dog is well protected from all those pesky ectoparasites.

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Katelyn Son